• Countdown To Adam

    A Science Fiction Presentation of Earth from Deep Time

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    "What if you had compelling evidence Earth was designed exclusively for mankind?"

  • About the book and the author


    This science fiction adventure will take you to places you've never imagined. Dive deep with angels and humans into an ancient Cambrian Period sea, teeming with living trilobites and brachiopods. Enter Satan's war room at his Gemini-babylon headquarters in the Andromeda Galaxy, as he schemes to delay the advancement of life on planet Earth in a desperate attempt to prevent the arrival of Adam's race. Dine with Jesus at a banquet hall in Heaven as he lectures on why he chose the Milky Way Galaxy to host his living creatures; share lunch with Jesus in the clubhouse as he discusses his round of golf on New Earth.

    Visit Heaven, travel with angels, and learn of God's glorious science.


    Author Kirk W (Mac) McCabe founded OCN Enterprises LLC, a company specializing in polyurethane systems, following a long career at Bayer Corporation. He holds degrees in geology from Allegheny College (BS) and Northern Arizona University (MS). A member of the American Scientific Affiliation, and an elder at his church in Pittsburgh, PA, he and his wife Susan have three children and five grandchildren.

  • Excerpts from the book

    Adam and Eve Return to Paradise

    Adam, by some accounts the first Homo sapiens to bear the title, Imago Dei, was strolling through a beautiful park in New Jerusalem, Heaven, the one called Eden the Garden of God, conversing with his guardian angel named Cyster. Eve, one of his dearest friends, was walking with them.


    "Adam, you have a question burning in your heart, don't you," queried Cyster; "you want to know more about that Serpent, the one who deceived you and Eve, resulting in your eviction from Paradise?"


    "How do you know this? Are you able to read my thoughts?" Adam replied.


    "Astute observation, Adam. Yes, I already knew what was on your mind. But you are at a bit of a disadvantage; I and my fellow angels have had innumerable earth-years to refine the intricacies of our communication skills. You have been in Heaven but a blink of the eye. For the record, although I'm pretty good at guessing, only God is truly omniscient. Now, regarding your question about that lying Serpent, let's drop in on Sophia - you may also know her as Wisdom - and discuss it over a meal."


    The threesome arrived at Sophia's mansion momentarily.


    "Welcome, dear friends. I've been expecting you."


    At that, Eve gave Adam 'the look', which he immediately interpreted to mean:


    "How did Wisdom know we were coming for dinner when we hadn't yet sent word of our intentions? Aren't we being a little presumptuous?"


    Of course, the meal was exquisite, and the hospitality was 'off the charts'. The best experience on Earth could never come close to the humblest one in Heaven.


    Following the meal, Wisdom ushered her three guests into a spacious living room.


    "My inquisitive friend Adam, I understand you have some questions about that Serpent?" ... [excerpt taken from Chapter 5]


    Tardigrades: Satan's Counterfeit

    Vanity, with an entourage of his staffers in tow, strolled across the opulent courtyard of Satan's palace in central Gemini-Babylon; there was a confidence in his stride. He was quickly ushered into the presence of the demoted, but still powerful, archangel.


    "Lord Satan, I bring you good news."


    Things never went well for his subjects when bad news was the topic.


    "What is this good news you bring to me, Prince Vanity?"


    "My spies just returned from Earth with important documents about a coming abundance of new life forms that are scheduled to appear in a period labeled 'Cambrian Explosion'. I don't get it, is God going to blow everything up and start over?"


    "So why is that of any interest to me? What's the good news?"


    "Well, it just so happens that embedded in the details are references to a human named Adam, perhaps the very first image bearer. I think we have some clues to his identity."


    That got Satan's attention.


    "So how did you obtain these 'secret' files?"


    "Some of my spies were roaming the Earth and happened upon a conversation between Phenyl and Tamin. They overheard details about some contest, whereby angelic teams were to design sketches of new creature called a trilobite. Sophia gave them a prototype trilobite model to work with. If it please your majesty, here are copies of the documents and prototype drawing for your consideration."


    After listening to Vanity's account, he instructed his prince to design a trilobite-like candidate to represent Gemini-Babylon. We pick up on the story:


    ...Vanity, with his design team, arrived at Satan's office.


    "You may enter. What have you for me; I trust it will please me?"


    "My lord Satan, behold the "Tardigrade". We're sure this creature will be far superior to anything submitted by any of Heaven's teams."

    [excerpt taken from Chapter 8]

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    Countdown to Adam

    Countdown to Adam

    Purchase paperback version from www.xulonpress/bookstore.com

    e-book format available at Amazon Kindle, Barnes & Noble Nook, and Apple iPad/iPhone priced at $8.99

    Email: kwmccabe@zoominternet.net
    Text: 412-980-8533
    Coming soon
  • Lecture Series

    A partial list of lecture topics I've prepared

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    Climate Change: God's Plan for Life on Earth

    Climate change has been a debated issue for decades. Is man to blame for recent global warming, or might the Creator have built climate cycles into his master plan?

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    Adam and Eve: Were They Real Historical People?

    Did Adam and Eve actually exist as a literal, historical couple, or were they theological constructs, representing a genetic population of several thousand individuals? How does the answer affect our Christian faith?

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    Can Life Exist Outside of Planet Earth?

    What defines "life"? What factors make Earth so unique for hosting life? Are we alone in the cosmos, or could life exist elsewhere?

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    Fracking and Fossil Fuels: What's the Truth?

    Many scientists and environmentalists say we're running out, causing global warming, and polluting our groundwater. What should we believe?

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    Are Humans Created from Stardust?

    The cosmos is the factory from which all elements evolve. God made humans from the dust of the Earth; what kind of stars are responsible for producing this dust?

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    Plate Tectonics and Supercontinents

    Plate tectonics, sometimes called continental drift, has been a great tool in the Creator's arsenal to prepare the Earth for mankind.

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    Is Earth Young or Old? Geologic History of the Planet

    Explore major events and trends that have shaped planet Earth from its birth 4.65 billion years ago to the Present.

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    Naturalistic Evolution vs Creationism

    Darwinian evolution; Young Earth Creationism; Old Earth Creationism: investigate the strengths and weaknesses of these dynamic approaches to life.

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    Countdown to Adam: Selected Topics and Readings

    Although a fictional writing, the book is full of current scientific and theological thinking. Let's explore some of these interesting topics.

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    The Big Bang

    Whether "Beginning" or "Big Bang", both scripture and science are in full agreement: there was a beginning to our universe.

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